Tag Archives: Julie and Julia

I Had The Worst Day!

21 Aug

…A fitting bookend to all the fabulous plans I had in mind.

It’s not something I particularly care to go on about in this blog, but suffice to say… people surprise me sometimes. But anyway. Onward and upward, no? Onward and upward, yes. The party must continue, regardless of the head count.

Wow, that kind of sounded like a metaphor for death. It’s literally a party that will have a shorter head count. Don’t get worried.

Anyway… now I’m home, and if nothing else… I have all my furniture! Except for the odd bit or bob that remains at my parents’ house. Just wall-hangings and the like. I will send Steve to retrieve them soon. In the meantime… we’re furnished! Not everything fits… but at least it’s here. We have shelves! Hooray!

Speaking of hooray, I saw a great movie yesterday! I went to see Julie and Julia with some co-workers. In all honesty, I wasn’t expecting to enjoy it as much as I did… I think it’s because I could relate to Amy Adams’ character, which I didn’t think I would. Young woman moves from apartment she loves to apartment she doesn’t love so much, dreams of writing professionally but can’t quite make it work and so pursues a blog. In this day and age, who can’t relate to that character? So even though I’m not the biggest fan of either Julia Child or Amy Adams, I actually ended up really liking the movie. Go figure.

Okay kids… that’s all I got. Like I said… rough day. I’m tired.